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Class 08


8.Write Bad CSS

Feb 3, 2022 (official Discord start date)

Come build real sites with real layouts, unleash your inner baddie, and join your study community!

If you Want to join a smaller study community on Discord.
Please fill out this NEW interest form (we'll explain in more detail during class):

Homework 08

Submit Homework

Due Thursday (Feb. 3rd)

Due Tuesday (Feb. 8th)

Read: A Guide to Flexbox

  • Do: Flexbox Froggy
  • Watch: Independence Day
  • Do: Layout Assignment (will share Thursday)

Due Thursday - (Feb. 10th)

  • Do: The 3 layouts we did in class
  • Do: The Level Ground & Source Layouts in the homework-layout-photos
  • Push: Do Pushwork Homepage and add media queries to other layouts

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki