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Class 11


11.Learn CSS Layout & Flexbox

Feb 15, 2022 (official Discord start date)

Let's go deeper with media queries, em/rems, and redo some layouts with flexbox!

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Please fill out this NEW interest form (we'll explain in more detail during class):

Homework 11

No homework to turn in today!

Due Thursday - (Feb. 17th)

  • Do: The 3 layouts we did in class
  • Do: The Level Ground, Source, Restaurant, Hair Salon Layouts in the homework-layout-photos
  • Watch: Independence Day
  • Watch(Continue): Traversy Media / JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners
  • Push: Do Pushwork Homepage and add media queries to other layouts

Want More Flexbox?

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki