Published on

Class 17


17.Networking Night II

Mar 08, 2022 (official Discord start date)

Let's Practice Our Networking! No checkin tonight.
I'll see you live before we switch platforms!

  • Discord Lesson (Include Download Resources & Community)
  • No Tweet
  • No Video Lesson
  • No Slides

Homework 17

Submit Your Homework:

Due Today - (Mar. 8th)

  • Nothing to submit tonight. I'll ask for drafts on Tuesday.
  • Do: Play with any of the JS and make changes? Place your javascript changes in Codepen
  • Submit the URL: Google Forms

Due Thursday - (Mar. 10th)

  • Do: Setup your portfolio
  • Do: Draft your proposal / contract

Due Tuesday - (Mar. 15th)

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki