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Class 40
- Authors
- Name
- José Calvário
- @josh_hortt
Jun 7, 2022 (official Discord start date)
Tonight we add MongoDB, EJS, and more Express into the mix to build apps that can create, read, and delete! Come BUILD REAL FULLSTACK APPS and learn about our SUMMER BREAK!
Class Links
- Visit: Discord Lesson (Include Download Resources & Community)
- Watch: Youtube Lesson
- Tweet: Tweet before you start this Lesson
- Read: Slides
Homework 40
Due Today - (Jun. 7th)
Due Tuesday - (Jun. 14th)
- Do: Start prepping THE BANK
- Do: Complete Your Professional Links
- Create: Heroku, Mongo Atlas, and Postman Accounts
- Read: Node.js and Express Fullstack Open
- Do: Make Your Own API and Push To Heroku
- Read: Zell Liew / Building a Simple CRUD app with Node, Express, & MongoDB
Keep Reading & Practicing
- Do: Practice Typing
Remember to Active Recall and use Anki