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Class 50


50.Easily Add Authentication To Your Node Apps. Email Logins with Passport

Aug 30, 2022 (official Discord start date)

Tonight we add authentication to our Node Apps and start our PROJECT WEEK!

Homework 50

Submit Your Homework:

Due Today - (Aug. 30th)

Due This Week

  • Do: 1 coffee chat / 3 connections ( REMO TONIGHT COUNTS FOR THIS WEEK )
  • Do: Push Code Every Day
  • Do: Study The Bank
  • Do: Read About String Methods
  • Do: Add them to an Interview Anki
  • Do: Due 5 Codewars (tagged as strings!)

Remember Do & Submit your Homework for the following weeks:

Due Tuesday - (Sept. 6th)

  • Do: Team Project: We'll start next week

Due Tuesday - (Sept. 13th)

  • Do: Enter Networking names on your Hitlist

Due Tuesday - (Sept. 27th)

  • Do: Paid Client Contract, Volunteer For Grass Org, or Actual Open Source PR
  • Do: 100Hours Project BEAUTIFUL MVP

Due Tuesday - (Oct. 11th)

  • Done: Completed 100Hours Project
  • Done: 10 Premium Apps (well cover in detail soon)
  • Watch again & comment: Build a CRUD TODO List (Class 44 & 45)
    Would appreciate a like and comment to help the algorithm!

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki