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Class 53


53.Let's Build A Social Network with Node, Express, MongoDB, & Cloudinary

Sept 08, 2022 (official Discord start date)

Let's CELEBRATE 15+ jobs in the last week, see some HITLIST MAGIC,
And walk through our 100Devs Social Network App!

Check out our Celebrations channel, so MANY NEW JOBS & we are just getting started!

Homework 53

Submit Your Homework:

Due Today - (Sept. 8th)

Due Tuesday - (Sept. 13th)

Due This Week

  • Do: 1 coffee chat / 3 connections ( REMO TONIGHT COUNTS FOR THIS WEEK )
  • Do: Push Code Every Day
  • Do: Study The Bank

Review Array Methods - AGAIN:

Remember Do & Submit your Homework for the following weeks:

Due Tuesday - (Sept. 27th)

  • Do: Paid Client Contract, Volunteer For Grass Org, or Actual Open Source PR
  • Do: 100Hours Project BEAUTIFUL MVP

Due Tuesday - (Oct. 11th)

  • Done: Completed 100Hours Project
  • Done: 10 Premium Apps (well cover in detail soon)
  • Watch again & comment: Build a CRUD TODO List (Class 44 & 45)
    Would appreciate a like and comment to help the algorithm!

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki