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Class 31


31.What Is Inheritance & Polymorphism?

May 03, 2022 (official Discord start date)

Tonight we are diving deeper into (OOP) covering inheritance and polymorphism!

Homework 31

Submit Your Homework:

Due Today - (May 3rd)

No Submission Today

Due Thursday - (May 5th)

  • Do: Please review, play, and break the code we go over tonight.
    Get lost in it, come with questions, and ready to review on Thursday.
  • Do: Get a paid client, Volunteer, or Contribute To Free Software
  • Do: FINISH Professional Checklist

Want To Push?

Due Thursday - (May 5th)

  • Do: Codewars Array Ladder (search array problems) - 8kyu, 7kyu, 6kyu, 7kyu, 8kyu

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki