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Class 32


32.Object Oriented Programming with JS Review

May 05, 2022 (official Discord start date)

We are sharing some BIG NEWS, making sure folx who missed some homework or checkins learn about having a FRESH START, explaining OOP with NO BIG WORDS, and so MUCH MORE!
Come hangout, get more comfortable with OOP, and work with some of your cohort live!

ALL streams of @Mayanwolfe can be found here, Seriously, look at this list of streams!
SO much review GOLD!

Homework 32

Submit Your Homework:

Due Tuesday - (May 10th)

Want To Push?

Due Thursday - (May 10th)

  • Do: Codewars String Ladder (search string problems) - 8kyu, 7kyu, 6kyu, 7kyu, 8kyu

Keep Reading & Practicing

Remember to Active Recall and use Anki